Friday, July 23, 2010

Tours, Twitter, and Twilight

I am graduating this upcoming May from my undergrad. at KU. I have loved it and look forward to my senior year. But with this end comes a new beginning – Law School. I am studying for the LSAT on the weekends and taking tours of DC area law schools. It’s said you should go to law school where you want to live and work after you graduate because that is where you will build you network and work while in school, so naturally I am looking in DC first.

Last week I took a private tour of Georgetown Law from a good friend I’ve met here and he is also a first year law student/ 1L at Georgetown. He showed me the beautiful and historic college that over looks the Capitol and Supreme Court and detailed his experience there, both positive and negative. The following day after work, I went to an information session led by Georgetown Admissions. It was excellent and helped to answer several of my questions. Being accepted to Georgetown Law would be a dream come true.

Later, I went on a tour of George Washington Law after work. It is quite different from Georgetown, with a smaller more laid back feel. It had its positives and negatives as well. The campus was gorgeous and I would love to have an acceptance letter from them as well.

I still plan to tour American University Law in the coming week while here in order to have a full experience of area schools. It isn’t a decision of whether I’ll go to Law School for me, but instead which one and how to get in to it.

If you haven’t joined the Twitter craze, you are missing out. I know it can be as scary as Facebook, or even MySpace was but it is amazing and how our world is communicating. As great as Twitter is though, it is a lot of work to stay on top of things, if running an account for an organization or political effort. Those who tweet are today’s journalist, breaking information and stories before news can print an official article. You can also tweet from anywhere that has cell phone reception and places that don’t allow cameras i.e. court rooms.

Last week and the week prior, Log Cabin Republicans v. United States court case was taking place in California. We worked diligently to keep our members and follows involved and informed through all media outlets, including Twitter. You can’t film or take pictures in a court room but you can provide play-by-play details through tweets. Oh technology!

My 20 minute Metro ride to the office twice a day has turned into the perfect time to listen to my ipod. But I’m not like the many others who listen to music; I choose to instead listen to audiobooks. People may think that I’m some hipster on the Metro, when instead just a nerd in disguise. What is probably especially nerdy is my choice in books. I fill my day with hard work and watching the news and decided I needed a lighter form of entertainment, so I joined the Twilight craze. I have surprisingly enjoyed the books, even though they are built around teenage love… Fortunately I am not such a crazy and am not on Team Edward or Team Jacob but instead just listen to the books to stay up with pop culture and for light entertainment to and from work. Audiobooks also offer another great way to multitask, which I could not live without.

Between touring law schools, tweeting all day everyday, and listening to love stories on the Metro I stay busy during my exciting summer as an intern.

Lesson Learned: Law Schools, new technology, or book fads – don’t knock them until you have tried them and experienced what they have to offer.


  1. Notice how no one in the mainstream media or the LGBT media covered the Log Cabin lawsuit? Because no one cares what you conservative gay "activists" do, because it's a complete oxymoron.

    But most importantly no one covered it or wrote about it because the bill that will repeal it will be signed into law probably within the next few months. Remember the repeal bill? The one that Speaker Pelosi ushered into existence when the President wanted to do absolutely nothing due to pressure from the military to not interfere.

    I'm sure you remember Speaker Pelosi, you want to fire her and replace her with a bigot like John Bohner! But- he sure is tan! ^_^

    That pathetic lawsuit is a frivolous attempt by people grasping at the notion that they aren't part of the problem but in fact a part of the solution. In about a years time when the military ends their review and implements their changes under the repeal bill that lawsuit will be dismissed by the courts before ever reaching an appellate circuit.

    I'll be so happy when this Democratic majority makes DADT history- I'll be even happier knowing I actually helped to make it happen and didn't fight tooth and nail against them the entire way.

  2. Alex! You are so awesome! I love your blog so much...I hope you keep it up after you leave DC! :)
