Monday, June 28, 2010

NYC Pride

"In New York. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York. These streets will make you fell brand new, the lights will inspire you. Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York!"

After a 5 hour bus ride, Jeff and I arrived in the big city! The Executive Director of Log Cabin was also in the city for a conference so once off the bus, Jeff and I met him for cocktails. We hauled our luggage from the bus stop 20 blocks to a great little gay bar to hydrate ourselves. Luckily this was at 5:30, Happy Hour!

We checked into our hotel shortly after. It was down in the business district and next to Ground Zero. The tragedy is still under construction but we were able to see from high above on the 36th floor down into the zone. That evening we headed to Lucky Chang's, a famous and quite crazy drag dinner show. I had been there before during another weekend in New York with my friend May. It is an eye popping show, with never a dry moment and anything can happen and does! Monica, a friend from home, is interning in New York outside of the city and joined us for the weekend, we met up at dinner. We then had an entertaining rest of the evening and it's true, New York is the city that never sleeps!

The next day we got up and walked around Times Square, Central Park, and 5th Ave. We met up with Molly a friend and now KU alumna, she recently moved to New York to work. She took us for cocktails and then we headed to Mamma Mia, the Broadway Musical. It was a great show and it was great to see a show that was we already knew the music to, thanks to Meryl Streep! After the musical, we went out to an eventful evening in the gay West Village. You think you have seen it all, then you go to New York!

Sunday was our last day in NYC and the parade was in the afternoon, so we headed over early to ensure great standing area. The streets filled quickly as attendees lined the New York sidewalks. The parade was led by Mayor Bloomberg (only after we left, did I figure out there was an open invitation to walk with him from the New York Log Cabin chapter! Thank goodness that these opportunities aren't stopping) After the Mayor marched, the three Grand Marshalls led the parade; the mother of Matthew Shepard, the gay teen that was brutally murdered, the lesbian teenager from Mississippi that was disallowed from Prom because she insisted to bring her girl friend, and the famous soldier, Dan Choi, that was discharged because of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The parade had politics, supporting members of the churches and communities, bars, and simply proud GLBT peoples. It was a long and crazy parade that will I will remember for lifetime. The crowds were insane and so many people were in attendance, with many allies present. We even met up with another friend from KU that transfered to a cooking school in NY. After the parade, Monica headed back to her area of the state and Jeff and I caught the bus back to DC.

I am so thankful that I am out and not living a lie. I have pride in who I am and what I believe in. There were several religions present and numerous politicians from both sides. Diversity was definitely visable and it enriched the atmosphere. The GLBT community is a diverse one with many types of people and many different ideas and opinions. I am fortunate that I am comfortable about who I am and have many supporters in life. I want to work continuously to ensure that everyone can be prideful and have others accept them in our country without discriminating against anyone. Thank you to Jeff and Monica for a great weekend of pride!

Lesson Learned: Bus trips are long and hot with a rank odor, but like anything in life, if you have a fabulous friend next to you it's pretty hard to complain!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

That's Hott

Whoever decided that we should make DC the nations capitol obviously didn't spend a summer here first! Extreme heat this week with some record highs, reported several weather stations. I am simply just getting used to constant heat and humidity. Dress clothes are not the coolest clothing either. "Its hot out so lets wear a long sleeve shirt, tight around the neck, and then wear pants and a jacket too!" What's worse, is back in the founding fathers days they had wigs, more than my hair, and heavier clothing. Poor Ben and George! I came back to work from a meeting yesterday and the receptionist greeted me and said I smelled like outside. Randy (Lawrence roommate) tells me the same thing, I have no idea what it means. I think I smell like tanning.

This week at work has been a busy one. Full of scheduling meetings for my Executive Director. I also have drafted letters for several great Republicans like Laura Bush, Cindy McCain, and Dick Cheney (all Republicans that support marriage equality, even if their partners and husbands are quite there). Other time has been spent working with donations, website arrangements, and blogging for BlogCabin.

Tuesday was KU Alumni day at the Nationals baseball game. They were playing the Kansas City Royals. I went with a KU alumna who now works at the RNC. KU people got a discount on tickets then all sat together. We had fun, got a little rained on, but still a great time cheering with KU people. It was also "out" day at the game. Ironic that it was both KU and out day for the same game, maybe?

I did the dreaded laundry this week too. I can't decide what I hate more laundry or mowing. They are both terrible and I will never do either once out of school. Plus, laundry is so expensive! I could buy a bottle of vodka for how much it costs to do laundry. I have never had to pay before so this is a learning experience. THANK GOD, my intern house has laundry facilities and I don't have to go to one of those terrifying laundry mats. They scare me in Salina, so I can just imagine what they are like here, doubt I would make it out alive.

This week I also was on the Hill several times attending congressional briefings. These are like information sessions with a panel of speakers who are pretty high in their fields and respected. The one that I related with the most was "Reversing the Rising Incidence of HIV, STDs and Viral Hepatitis Among Gay Men in the U.S." I went on an alternative break this year and worked for the Houston AIDS Foundation, so I had a background on this topic already. The briefing was sponsored by LGBT Congressional Caucus, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) serves on this group and is one of Log Cabin's biggest allies. The event was excellent and I took a lot away from it, learning more about the federal government and its funding and how they are engaging to address this critical issue. "We need the adequate resources but that not mean new money, just better focused money. It will cost, but without it we costing lives."

My great friend Jeff arrived yesterday from Kansas. I met him at the airport and then we went out for an evening of cocktails, gossip, and great conversation. Its remarkable how much I am missing my friends and this was a perfect halfway point to have one visit me. Tomorrow we are busing up to New York for New York Pride this weekend. SO EXCITED. It will be an outstanding time. My last trip to New York with my friend May was amazing, the bus ride though was a different story, from what I remember...

Lesson Learned: Being outgoing and social to meet new friends is great, but remember to keep the old ones close.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Young and the Beautiful

DC may appear to be full of old white politicians but I am learning it is almost the opposite. This town is young and vibrant, full of outgoing young active people who work hard and enjoy their evenings.

Friday was a busy day of scheduling meetings with Senators and Military Legislative Assistants for the Executive Director. Lunch, though, was with the Q-Street organization, which is a group of gay or lesbian lobbyists and staffers. We socialized and described what each office is currently working on and how we can help each other and use our resources. I enjoy hearing everyone's stories and then networking with people over a great lunch. Members from The Advocate, Human Rights Campaign, and several others are all in attendance. After work, a friend and KU alumna, invited me out for cocktails at the Capitol Hill Club. This club is for Republicans and membership is required. She is a full member and took me as her guest, it was great. We shared stories over drinks and enjoyed the company of other young Republican influentials. We sipped vodka and proudly wore our "Fire Pelosi" buttons. After cocktail hour, I met up with another friend that just moved here from KU and hit up a couple of the fun bars.

On Saturday, I had a relaxing day and caught up on some TV and the dishes. That evening I went out with a couple of my roommates and neighbors and another intern friend from KU. We had a great night out and sang some good ole nineties songs.

Sunday was used as a study LSAT day and catch up on some personal emails. I worked on several Student Senate items as well. The weekend is very much appreciated to catch up on relaxing and sleep but also to enjoy the evenings with some new and old friends.

The upcoming week will be both exciting and busy. My 'to-do' list at work is always growing and I stay busy all day, which is great if you know me. I cannot imagine a life without constant multitasking. My friend Jeff is also coming to visit and this upcoming weekend we are headed to NY for Pride! I believe there will be several young and beautiful people there as well!

Lesson Learned: Never underestimate the importance of a cocktail hour and networking that comes with it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Live and Work

I wanted to simply share some pictures of where I live and work. Enjoy and have a little insight into my life as an intern.

This is my own office where I do everything from scheduling to blogging. Notice President Reagan watches over me.

The office building where I work. I love the giant American flag, just proves that Republicans are good Americans. Our offices are on the 5th floor.

My bedroom! I sleep on the bottom bed on the left and use the dresser and have a closet for my clothes. Pretty packed but its alright, for just three months. Naturally, I have KU items for everyone to see.

Our living room. Nice TV, with sports on... There is a great patio attached.

The building where I live. The entire building is full of interns and I've met several pretty fun ones. It is just a block from the metro and House Office Buildings.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Capitol Pride

"What have you done today to make you feel PROUD?"
This past weekend was the Capitol Pride parade and festival. I walked in the parade for an openly gay candidate running for the city council. It was an amazing opportunity. The gay energy and enthusiasm were outstanding.

On Friday evening, after happy hour with the neighbors, I met up with a friend from Lawrence who just moved here. Chris moved to DC for work. It was great to go out with someone that I actually knew.

Saturday was the US v England World Cup game. A week ago I ran into a girl going to the metro and she remembered me when we were both interns in the Kansas Senate. She now works full time for Rep. Jerry Moran (hopefully soon Senator Moran). She invited me to a pub to watch the game at and cheer on America! We shared some beers and clapped when everybody else in the bar did.

After the game, I headed to the Pride Parade and met up with the other campaigners for Mark Morgan's race for city council. Naturally, the parade was in the evening so the gays could have a cocktail during. Throwing beads and giving stickers to the drunks was a memory that I will remember forever! After the parade, the candidate took all the volunteers out for some drinks then I met up with Chris and a few of his friends (one a KU alumni I knew from the Dole Institute!)

I woke up Sunday and headed to the festival to work the Log Cabin table. It was already extremely hot by 9 in the morning. I knew it was going to be a gay sweatfest. I worked and talked with people at the table for three hours then walked around the festival and tanned. I ended up in the beer gardens to watch the stage performances and drag shows. There were some truly fabulous and timeless drag queens that entertained me for the afternoon. I hung out with another volunteer for Pride that I met at the auction. We chilled and had some drinks to cool down, but we were helped by the weather also when an instant down pour occurred. Its raining men, Hallelujah. The rain only lasted a couple of minutes but it was long enough to soak everyone. Then the sun came out again. The drinks were almost as strong as the sun, it was almost like being at a beach in Mexico, but with out the beach...

As the afternoon progressed, a couple that had been together for 30 years got publicly married. The two men have loved each other for half of their lives and with the recent passage of gay marriage in DC they were allowed to get married and they chose to do it at Pride. It was beautiful and pretty moving. It was my first gay wedding and it has taken years and a lot of work to do something as simple as a wedding ceremony for people in the gay community. What a journey, one that still has a long way to go.

After the wedding, I ran into yet another person I knew at KU! It sometimes is a smaller world than I ever thought DC would be. It has been fun continually and miraculously running into Kansas and KU people! We hung out for a while then went out for an after Pride party.

An entire weekend to make me and thousands of others proud to be who they are! Thank you Capitol Pride for the great past week and weekend. Sometimes it takes close friends or a festival to do that, but do something to make you feel proud.

Lesson Learned:It helps to be tall, blonde, loud, and memorable. I am easily recognized and stand out in a crowd.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pride Week

The weeks are flying by! The internship is keeping me busy and I am always on the lookout for ways to increase my social life.

Monday, we met the neighbor girls. My building is like a large house with many individual apartments. Most of the interns have now moved in for the summer and I am slowly meeting each room. Its just like meeting the people on your floor in your college residence hall! The girls across the way were great. They came over and were like "who wants to go grab a drink?" ME! We chatted the night away and had a great time meeting one another. It will be great having friends in the same building.

Tuesday was a major election primary day for several states around the country. It is fascinating the affect the tea partiers and angry voters are having. It is understandable that people are upset with incumbents, but I wish more people understood the political process instead of just grabbing their nearest lawn chair and cooler and go to the park to shout about at the government. I agree that there are some changes needed but with those changes we must realize that we are in a poor economy and a huge budget deficit. You cant spend your way out of a problem.

On Tuesday evening, Christian took me to one of our local chapter meetings. The North Virginia chapter met over dinner and it was cool to see the more grassroots organizing of Log Cabin Republicans.

Wednesday, I volunteered at for a charity auction for Capitol Pride. It was great! The event was held at the Donovan House Hotel and Zen Tan Restaurant. This was the exact restaurant that I ate at with my Student Senate friends when we were up lobbying earlier this year. Small World! The auction was $20 to get in and then had amazing art and signed items from celebrities of Cindy Lauper to Neil Diamond. My job was to entertain guests, get them drunk, and encourage competitive bids. I was outstanding at it. I had a blast. Several influential people were there as well. The first man who started Pride was there and the city official who pushed for gay marriage in DC. I met several other volunteers and after the auction we went to an after party on top of the hotel that over looked downtown DC. Great view and great times....

Thursday, we met more of the neighbors and shared some wine! There is no better way to meet others then sharing a good drink and a smile. We have a large porch on our place, so we are planning on throwing a party soon for the neighbors.

Today we moved the office around and I now have my own office. How many interns get their own office? There was a lot of lifting and sorting, so naturally now I am ready for a drink. The plan is to hit up happy hour with the roommates. I am excited for the weekend with the Pride Parade and the festival. If someone told me I was going to march in a Pride Parade, I would have laughed in their face just a year ago.

Stay Fabulous friends, lawrence, and family. Remember to add culture to your lives this weekend by watching the World Cup. Cheer on our great nation, USA!

Lesson Learned: Embrace new challenges and suck up any discomfort you might have. Be outgoing. The auction started off weird but I am so glad I volunteered and did it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gardens and Galleries

I spent today (Sunday) as a tourist. I have been trying to go running in the mornings and decided to go in some of the museums and other places that I've been running by. I started by having a bagel at a fun corner bistro then went shopping at Union Station. Union Station brought back some fun high school memories when my choir performed there. I then went walking around the gardens at the Smithsonian. I had bought an LSAT prep book and started studying in the gardens. It wasn't an hour before it started to rain so I dodged into an art museum. It rains a lot here and makes it extremely humid. YA! I love humidity... I spent all afternoon in the art museums and and have now headed back to my house to continue my LSAT prep.

This past week at work was a short one because of the Holiday weekend and Congress is in recess. The entire town changes when Congress isn't in session, everyone dresses down and the attitude is more relaxed. Funny how much power, even on what we wear and our attitudes 535 people have. I have volunteered to help out at Capitol PRIDE events this upcoming week and weekend. I had two planning meetings detailing all what volunteers are doing and signing up for other ways to help out. I will be helping with the parade, dont worry I'm not on an underwear float, and also helping with a charity auction and the street festival. Some PRIDE events have already started and I have attended a few. The Log Cabin Republican Washington DC local chapter had a fundraiser for Service Members Legal Defense that is working to repeal Dont Ask Dont Tell. It was a bachelor auction with free drink coupons and gift packages along with each bachelor. I was enjoying myself and helping to boost the money for Log Cabin by upping others bids. I wasnt being careful enough and accidently won a bachelor and $50 in free drinks! Luckily I got the deal for way less and got a date out of it, too bad I had to pay for it though!

On Friday, I went to the office of the Minority Whip, Eric Cantor. His outreach director and I had met at an event at the Capitol Hill club and she invited me to come by sometime so I contacted her to set up a meeting. We chatted for a while and had a great Friday afternoon. Later that day, I met up with the couple that approached me at Target the last week who were KU alumni. We went to a fun Central American bar, Cafe Citron. We talked everything from KU to law school to the hot places of DC. They were great people and I am so happy that they approached me at Target and that I decided to contact them for a Happy Hour. I hope to get together with them again soon.

This week was also a sad week with the passing of Rue McClanahan, Blanche from The Golden Girls. She was my absolute favorite and I see a lot of myself in her character. I celebrated her life with a couple of cocktails and a fun and relaxing weekend with going out Friday and then going to Chinatown on Saturday. Chinatown was smaller than I remembered, but had a good meal and cosmopolitans before going to finally see Sex and the City 2. The movie and evening were outstanding but would have been better with my Lawrence friends. I am glad though that being alone isnt forcing me to stay in and watch Roseanne all night.

This weekend was also KC PRIDE and I know that all of my friends were there and getting crazy, as we are known for. I've had several fun PRIDE memories with them (cough cough, you know what I'm talking about). I hope it was fabulous and as crazy as the past couple of years.

Lesson Learned: When someone offers to meet with you and gives you a business card, actually do it and meet with them. It is so worth it. NETWORKING

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorable Memorial Day

There is just something spectacular about being in DC for a Memorial Day event. All of my life, I attended the quaint Memorial ceremony outside of the Assaria Lutheran Church. At the beginning of my life sitting on the step railing then in the church yard, listening to the names of the veterans that served our community and country. This year was a little different. I attending the National Parade that honored every war American has ever fought in. It was truly remarkable. Hearing taps while looking at the national monuments is inspiring and touching.

I missed out on the National Program the previous evening because I, naturally, was out enjoying myself with some cocktails. I did, fortunately, catch it later on TV. I was invited to a bbq in Arlington, VA by my boss so I decided to take the almost hour Metro ride out of DC to have what turned out to be an enjoyable afternoon. This was a gay bbq so it consisted of margaritas and finger foods! We don't cook, we cater!

This weekend also turned into one of KU alumni. Two of the people at the "bbq" were from KU. KU is a topic that I LOVE to talk about, so I chatted the evening away filling them on the replacement of The Crossing with The Oread and other enormous changes at our great University. They were saddened by the loss of our drinking establishment, The Crossing but once I informed them of the remarkable facilities and bars in the Oread that soon faded.
I wore a KU shirt out grocery shopping this weekend also and as I walked Target, someone shouted "ROCK CHALK!" I turned to see a young couple who said they were KU alumni and we chatted for a bit ending with them invited me out for cocktails to welcome a fellow Jayhawk to DC.

After attending the Memorial Parade, I decided to continue to get some sun in the hot weather and exercise, so I walked through the Mall and the War Memorials. I ran into a family who also commented on my KU shirt, (a different one, don't judge me Randy). There was a family visiting from Lawrence and said it was nice to see a smiling Jayhawk out celebrating America's veterans.

I had planned on doing some laundry and homework this weekend, but that was unsuccessful. There is something about being in a fun new city that makes me not want to stay inside to do that type of work. I went out both Friday and Saturday evenings to continue to meet people and have a great time. It is seeming easier to bring myself to go alone and approach people. It is either I am becoming more outgoing, or I am getting tired of paying for my own drinks. Either way, I am feeling more comfortable and not as lost without my Lawrence wing men/drinkers.

We have also now filled out the small apartment with the other roommates. One is from Michigan and is working with environmental type stuff. It sounds terrible to me, working all day outside in this heat to preserve plants! SICK. The only way I'm going to be outside all day is if I am by the pool with a nice cooler full of beverages beside me! The other is from Baltimore and works for a senator. He goes to school in Scotland, so that is pretty interesting. I don't know why anyone would leave this great country to be educated anywhere else, but to each their own.

It was a great Holiday weekend and I look forward to what experiences lie ahead this week. Have a fabulous week! Play hard, work hard, and (to my bros) frat hard!

Lesson Learned: No matter where in the world you are, there is a friendly Jayhawk to make you feel at home!